Calendula Art Shades (Calendula officinalis)
Calendula ‘Art Shades’ (Calendula officinalis)
Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family, with 15 to 20 species. Originating from the Mediterranean region, calendulas have been used for medicinal purposes, culinary uses, and aesthetic appeal. Art Shades is a strain of superior colours. Calendulas are easy to grow and can be considered a hardy annual or perennial in warmer climates. Sow ½ inch deep in well-drained soil and thin out to 8-12 inches. A sunny site is best. Keep damp until established when dry conditions can be tolerated for short periods. Removing dead blooms will prolong the flowering period.
1g. Approx. 120 seeds. Untreated. GB Rules and regulations. Source ref. 25022501KNK
2025 Dingle Seeds, Brays, SY218JY